Brushing Zero Times A Day? The toothbrush is a modern invention. Americans didn’t develop the daily habit of using a brush to clean their teeth until the 1940s. You have been told to

How do dental patients find information on modern dental techniques available to them? To seek new treatment options, you must have information to get answers to your questions. What are BruxZir, LAPIP, LANAP,

Dentistry and modern science have not been able to find a cure for or prevent tooth decay. Tooth decay (caries) is the most common disease in man, found in millions of people. Microdentistry

What If I Don’t Have My Decayed Teeth Fixed?   Dentistry and modern science have not been able to find a cure or prevention for tooth decay, also known as dental caries. Tooth

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Updated Covid-19 Protocols

When scheduling please let us know if:

• You are showing any signs or symptoms of Covid-19

• You have traveled outside the U.S. or hosted any out-of-country visitors recently

• Have had any personal exposure to someone else who has been exposed to Covid-19

For a consult or to make an appointment date please call  (410) 975-9331

- Dr Jeff Cranska